



蓝田玉,中国四大名玉之一(其三为:和田玉(软玉)、岫玉独山玉 ,素有“玉种蓝田”之美称,是中国开发利用最早的玉种之一,早在万年以前的石器时代,蓝田玉就被先民们开采利用,春秋秦汉时蓝田玉雕开始在贵族阶层和上层社会流行,唐时达到鼎盛 。著名的秦始皇传国玺就是用蓝田水苍玉制成,此后玉玺一直作为皇权的象征,在中国君主专制社会流传千余载。






英文翻译:Lantian jade, one of the four famous jade in China (the third of which is: Hetian jade (nephrite), jade, dushan jade) , known as the "jade kai," the laudatory name, is one of the development and utilization of jade of the first in China, as early as ten thousand years ago in the Stone Age, kai jade is ancestors' exploitation, the spring and autumn period and the qin and han dynasties kai jade carving started in popular aristocracy and the upper society, its height when tang . The famous imperial seal passed by Qin Shi Huang is made of Lantian berberium. Since then, the imperial seal has been a symbol of imperial power and has been circulated for more than a thousand years in China's absolute monarchy society.

The LantiAN JADE ROUND BRACELET IS ALSO KNOWN as THE BLESSING bracelet. Its characteristics are: the inner ring is round, the outer ring is round, and the bar is round. This bracelet is extremely classic, spread has long, pay attention to fine round thick strip, solemn and healthy. Round bracelets are suitable for middle-aged and elderly women. Bangle IS ROUND AND FULL, OUTER CIRCLE, INNER CIRCLE, RING CIRCLE CAN BE SAID TO BE THREE CIRCLES IN ONE, SYMBOLIZING CAREER AND LIFE ARE ROUND AND FULL, WEAR ON THE WRIST, CAN SHOW FEMALE WEN WAN TEMPERAMENT, ALSO CAN PROTECT SAFE, IT IS WEAR THE FIRST CHOICE THAT COLLECTS.

Harmony produces wealth, hundred wealth, Jilantian jade pendant: Outer ring for lotus lace, middle theme of cabbage, and (the Netherlands) take homonym for gas generative (food), a word is located in the upper part, meaning (cabbage) deep ji, overall for relievo, carver exquisite, especially the contribution of white jade leaves feels dye-in-the-wood,, belongs to top grade, its implied meaning auspicious, quality perfect, extremely collection value.

The original jade deposit of ancient Lantian jade has not been found yet. The modern Lantian jade deposit is located in Hongmensi Village, Yuchuan Town, Lantian County, Shaanxi Province, about 35 kilometers away from the county seat. The ore-bearing rocks are archaean biotite schist, hornblende gneisse, etc. Jade is fine-grained marble, mainly composed of calcite. According to the mineral composition and appearance characteristics, jade can be divided into five types: the first is white marble; The second is light beige serpentine marble; The third is yellow serpentine marble; The fourth is apple-colored serpentine marble; The fifth is banded tremolite serpentine marble.

Lantian jade is white, beige, yellow green, apple green, green white and other colors, glass luster, oil luster, slightly transparent to translucent. It is blocky, banded and speckled, with dense and fine texture. Mohs hardness 2 -- 6 degrees, density of about 2.7 grams/cubic centimeters.

Lantian jade minerals are found in the marble belt of the Kuanping group of the Middle Proterozoic, which is formed by the joint action of regional metamorphism and contact metasomatic metamorphism. Lantian jade is rare in the jade market due to the small amount of Lantian jade mining. Its cultural connotation and market value are immeasurable. Its owners can often only be socialites and eminent monks and it is difficult to have destiny with ordinary people, this jade should be handed down for the treasure, has the potential of collection.

